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Dane Palarino

Ways to Avoid a Mis hire
Dane Palarino

7 Key Ways to Avoid a Mis-hire

Anyone responsible for hiring employees for a company will sometimes get it wrong. They may select a candidate that simply doesn’t work out or isn’t the best fit for the work environment.

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interviewer women
Dane Palarino

How to Make the Right Hiring Decision

If you work as a hiring manager, it is your duty to find the best potential employees for your company. New applicants should meet or exceed all the criteria and qualifications that you need for any job that you’re hiring for in the future.

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employees doing handshakes
Dane Palarino

How To Hire A Players

Finding the right employees can be quite a challenge. Employees can differ from one another as much as night differs from day. Two employees might have the exact same educational and experience level and yet their performance and ability to fit in with your company will be much different.

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